Error: system falling
a poem about a fallen world, our hope in Christ, and the courage it takes to act
Reality is thorny, as well as beautiful, and it sure can shred you and those you love. The news makes it bigger than that, though, and now we’re all aware of disasters everywhere. From tragic plane crashes to human trafficking, we can’t escape the fallenness. We face it constantly. How do we respond?
Here are Cjersti’s stanza-ed thoughts. In your inbox, you’ll find an essay from me “Do Something That Doesn’t Compute” on the same topic, as part of our poet-to-essayist conversation project.
Error: system falling
The system is not broken, it is pending…
At times I wanted to try fixing the world, but now I think it's hopeless. At least for me.
And for those for whom it isn't hopeless, they can certainly help others in their lives.
Even those like me can help a little. (side note: this is odd, but the most helpful people in my life were the ones who need help themselves. Hmmm.)
I can be nice to folks on a daily basis and make their life a little better. I'm inspired by Jesus, who went through all He did with the knowledge he'd eventually be sacrificed.