Here's a recommendation for you, prompted by your mention that your book is partly about the techno-optimist belief in innovation at all costs. It's the text of a speech by Maciej Ceglowski and it is the best thing that I've ever read on the internet.
I've heard great things from two different and thoughtful readers about "The Book of the New Sun," by Gene Wolfe. For now I still haven't read it. It's apparently a Christ-infused (or Christ-haunted?) science fiction-fantasy novel at a high level and with a great style.
Also, welcome to the novel-in-progress club! I'm glad you're reading around the text as you write it, since that makes the whole process much more fun in the longer term.
Sounds amazing! I recommend The Literary Life podcast. Angelina Stanford is a terrific source for how to read fairy tales. They have a series where they do a close reading of the Space Trilogy that might give you more insight.
Love this concept! Looking forward to reading it one day. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'll let you know if any research materials come to mind.
ohh this looks excellent! I am also working on a Little Mermaid retelling that is the second in a series of books, but it's very different from yours.
Since you asked for recs, I have a friend that wrote a short fun story that is a retelling of the Little Mermaid mixed with Moby Dick. This is her book:
The only sci-fi fairy tales I can think of at the top of my head are the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyers -- fantastic YA novels if you haven't already read them!
One more suggestion! This writer's Facebook group started out as a Christian Speculative fiction group. They host yearly conferences and publish a lot of really cool Indie fiction. It's not exclusively Christian anymore, but a lot of good books still come from them. If you post about your novel on the FB group asking for comparable titles, you'll probably get a whole bunch of recommendations.
OH! Comps are so valuable. I don't have FB anymore, but I may try to create a new account for the purpose of joining this.
On the topic of fairytale retellings, have you read the middle grade books by Shannon Hale? The Goose Girl, Princess Academy, etc? I LOVED those as a kid.
Here's a recommendation for you, prompted by your mention that your book is partly about the techno-optimist belief in innovation at all costs. It's the text of a speech by Maciej Ceglowski and it is the best thing that I've ever read on the internet.
Have you read Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler?
I recognize the author's name, but I haven't read the book. I'm assuming you'd recommend it?
Yes, it’s a dystopian sci fi with religious elements. So good!
Book: Elon by Walter Isaacson
I listened to the audio version on Libby.
I cannot wait to read this Amelia ❤️ please keep us updated!
I've heard great things from two different and thoughtful readers about "The Book of the New Sun," by Gene Wolfe. For now I still haven't read it. It's apparently a Christ-infused (or Christ-haunted?) science fiction-fantasy novel at a high level and with a great style.
Also, welcome to the novel-in-progress club! I'm glad you're reading around the text as you write it, since that makes the whole process much more fun in the longer term.
Sounds fascinating! No recommendations, sorry.
Sounds amazing! I recommend The Literary Life podcast. Angelina Stanford is a terrific source for how to read fairy tales. They have a series where they do a close reading of the Space Trilogy that might give you more insight.
Sweet! This is new to me.
Love this concept! Looking forward to reading it one day. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'll let you know if any research materials come to mind.
ohh this looks excellent! I am also working on a Little Mermaid retelling that is the second in a series of books, but it's very different from yours.
Since you asked for recs, I have a friend that wrote a short fun story that is a retelling of the Little Mermaid mixed with Moby Dick. This is her book:
Also this book -- a retelling of another myth -- is great. I like many of this author's other books, too.
The only sci-fi fairy tales I can think of at the top of my head are the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyers -- fantastic YA novels if you haven't already read them!
One more suggestion! This writer's Facebook group started out as a Christian Speculative fiction group. They host yearly conferences and publish a lot of really cool Indie fiction. It's not exclusively Christian anymore, but a lot of good books still come from them. If you post about your novel on the FB group asking for comparable titles, you'll probably get a whole bunch of recommendations.
OH! Comps are so valuable. I don't have FB anymore, but I may try to create a new account for the purpose of joining this.
On the topic of fairytale retellings, have you read the middle grade books by Shannon Hale? The Goose Girl, Princess Academy, etc? I LOVED those as a kid.
I haven't read those books, but I have them on my shelves and have been wanting to read them for years!!
Oooooh this is going to be an epic book. I look forward to it, Amelia!
Thank you, Nadia! I thought you would like the concept. Hope you are doing well 💕